World-wide Cultural Heritage in one click.

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Navigate the map. Discover culture gems.

With a simple browser you have access to massive culture heritage data at your fingertips. Navigate the map, go to remote or nearby locations and find unique sites. LOD4Culture is consciously optimized to work even on mobile devices. Recommended browsers: Firefox and Chrome.

Zoom in or zoom out. Try it yourself.

Explore the map at different zoom levels to get an overview of a wide area or to discover the cultural treasures in a neighbourhood. Filter sites by type, e.g. Art museums, Castles, Dolmens..., to match your particular interests.

Detailed cultural information. Sites, artworks, and artists.

Beyond the map, browse the huge collection of cultural heritage resources available. LOD4Culture allows you to find relevant data of sites, artworks, and artists. A lot of information to grasp: images, descriptions, locations, figures, architects, collection lists... and easily browsable.

Based on Linked Open Data. Checkmate.

LOD4Culture consumes Linked Open Data from our nice data providers, Wikidata and DBpedia. Accessing Linked Open Data is not easy; we tame the beast by using CRAFTS.


Wikidata is a collaboratively edited multilingual knowledge graph. It is a common source of open data that Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia and anyone else can use under the CC0 public domain license. Wikidata has very rich cultural heritage data and is the main source employed in LOD4Culture.

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DBpedia is a project aiming to extract structured content from the information created in Wikipedia. This structured information is made available to anyone who wants to query it. DBpedia is a secondary source of LOD4Culture, employed to extract textual descriptions and Wikipedia categories of cultural heritage resources.

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Accessing Linked Open Data is not an easy task. LOD4Culture uses CRAFTS to simplify access to culture data from Wikidata and DBpedia. We have configured a CRAFTS API that automatically handles the translation of API calls into queries over Linked Open Data. CRAFTS and LOD4Culture are original creations by Guillermo Vega-Gorgojo.

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